Esperanza - The Housekeeping Club
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About Esperanza - The Housekeeping Club

The mission of Esperanza: The Housekeeping Club is to achieve total quality performance by providing superior quality education that consistently meets and exceeds the expectations of the hospitality industry. The club focuses on instilling excellence and creativity in its members.

Signature Events

Esperanza organizes a series of annual events to hone students' skills and showcase their creativity:

  • Magnifico: A towel art exhibition that demonstrates creativity and innovation in housekeeping skills.
  • Blossom: A flower arrangement competition that blends aesthetics and precision.
  • Trash to Treasure: A unique competition where participants create art from everyday materials, promoting sustainability and imagination.

Event Highlights

Here are some glimpses of our creative events:

Towel Art Exhibition

owel Art Exhibition

Flower Arrangement

Blossom - Flower Arrangement

Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure

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